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5TRG2 (ID# 7987)

MUC1-5TR-GalNAc; Tn antigen
18.6 nM (reported value)
150 nM NaCl, 5nM MgCl2, pH 7.4
Refolded in binding conditions
See figure 3 in article reference
Target is O-linked glycan-peptide specific to epithelial cancer cells. Sequence is 5'-dGpdApdGpdApdCpdApdApdGpdApdApdTpdApdApdApdCpdGpdCpdTpdCpdApdApdGpdGpdCpdTpdApdTpdApdGpdCpdApdCpdApdTpdGpdGpdGpdTpdApdApdApdApdCpdGpdApdCpdTpdTpdCpdGpdApdCpdApdGpdGpdApdGpdGpdCpdTpdCpdApdCpdApdApdCpdApdGpdGpdCp-3'

Note: Information on this aptamer oligo was obtained from the literature and hasn't been validated by Aptagen.

Ferreira, C.S.; Cheung, M.C.; Missailidis, S.; Bisland, S.; Gariepy, J. Phototoxic aptamers selectively enter and kill epithelial cancer cells. Nucleic acids research 2009, 37, 866-876.

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