Aptagen, LLC
* The secondary structure may not be accurate because of MFOLD limitations on chemistries other than RNA/DNA.
Streptomycin (LGA11) (ID# 7797)

Streptomycin and other Aminoglycosides (AMGs)
Small Organic
49.9 nM (reported value)
Binding Buffer: PBS with 10% (v/v) methanol
NA If the oligo is a known aptamer sequence: For binding studies, perform a refolding protocol to ensure proper function (i.e. binding to antigen or target). Refer to the aptamer reference source for the appropriate refolding parameters and binding conditions. Note: it is unknown whether aptamer functions properly without refolding.
Binds to several aminoglycosides: kanamycin, paromycin streptomycin, apramycin, tobramycin, neomycin, and gentamycin.
See also aptamer LS13 which targets the same aminoglycosides.
5'-rGprGprGp rAprGprAp rAprGprGp fCprGprGp fCprGpfCp rGpfUprAp rGprGpfCp rGprAprGp fCpfUpfUp fUprAprGp rGpfCpfCp fCprGprAp fCprApfUp fUpfCpfCp fCpfCpfUp rAprAprAp rAprAprAp rGpfCpfUp fUprGpfUp fUpfCpfUp rApfUpfUp fCprGpfUp rGprGprAp fCprGprAp fUprGpfCp rGpfCprAp fCp-3'

Note: Information on this aptamer oligo was obtained from the literature and hasn't been validated by Aptagen.
N. Derbyshire et al. Toggled RNA aptamers against aminoglycosides allowing facile detection of antibiotics using gold nanoparticle assays. Anal. Chem. (2012) 84: 6595-6602.
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