Aptagen, LLC
* The secondary structure may not be accurate because of MFOLD limitations on chemistries other than RNA/DNA.
Tenascin-C (peptide #1) (ID# 7747)

Tenascin C (TNC)
4.58 µM (reported value)
0.1 M NaCO3, pH 8.6
NA If the oligo is a known aptamer sequence: For binding studies, perform a refolding protocol to ensure proper function (i.e. binding to antigen or target). Refer to the aptamer reference source for the appropriate refolding parameters and binding conditions. Note: it is unknown whether aptamer functions properly without refolding.
The biotin-labeled peptide bound to the TNC positive cell lines U251 and U11MG (glioblastoma). It did not bind to the TNC negative control cell lines HT29 and HCT116 (colorectal cancer).

Note: Information on this aptamer oligo was obtained from the literature and hasn't been validated by Aptagen.
M Y Kim et al. Selection and Characterization of Tenascin C Targeting Peptide. Mol. Cells 33(2012): 71-77.
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