Aptagen, LLC
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa) (VR11) (ID# 7741)

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa)
7 nM (reported value)
Selection Buffer: PBS, 0.005% (v/v) Tween-20.
NA If the oligo is a known aptamer sequence: For binding studies, perform a refolding protocol to ensure proper function (i.e. binding to antigen or target). Refer to the aptamer reference source for the appropriate refolding parameters and binding conditions. Note: it is unknown whether aptamer functions properly without refolding.
Does not bind to TNF??.
This aptamer blocked TNFa signaling in a NF-?B luciferase reporter assays and also prevented TNFa-induced apoptosis and reduced NO production in cultured cells.
5'- dTpdGpdGpdTpdGpdGpdApdTpdGpdGp dCpdGpdCpdApdGpdTpdCpdGpdGpdCp dGpdApdCpdApdAp-3'

Note: Information on this aptamer oligo was obtained from the literature and hasn't been validated by Aptagen.
E Orava et al. A short DNA aptamer that recognizes TNFa and blocks its activity in vitro. ACS Chem. Biol. (2012) Accepted for print. DOI: 10.1021/cb3003557.
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